Monday, August 6, 2012

10 Years + Family + BFF = Tons of Fun!

A few months ago, Ashlei and I started planning our ten-year reunion! I can't believe I have been out of high school that long, but don't worry, Jeff doesn't let me forget how old I am.  Well, a lot of our plans fell through. Since I had already planned the trip, I decided to still go home. A few of the girls from high school decided to meet a restaurant on the Causeway close to Mobile. We had SO much fun! It was so great to catch up with everybody and to hear what is going on in their lives. We do have Facebook, and while that helps to keep up, there is nothing like seeing each other and hanging out. It was just like old times.
Krystal, Ashlei, Me, Tara and Jeana.  Love these girls!!
Since we were headed home, we decided to stay the whole week for a visit with my family.  Katie and Caleb just bought a house so I wanted to check that out, too.  We got there on a Monday, and we went straight to Katie's work and ate. After that, Mom took Harrison home while Jesie, Katie and I went to visit our grandmother in the hospital. She is not doing very well at all, and I wanted to see her as soon as I got home. (Prayers for her are needed and greatly appreciated.)  
Tuesday, Katie brought Taryn to Mom's and we all went to swim at Nanny and Paw-paw's. I thought we were going to have trouble getting Harrison out of the pool, but our problem was the golf cart. Harv and Bett have a golf cart to ride around the "compound." :) Everyone lives so close, so it's a lot easier. Harrison was completely obsessed with it. After swimming, we packed up and went to spend the night at Katie's house. It is too cute!!! They have put so much work into it, and it looks awesome! It was so nice to stay the night with my two sisters and the kids. Just like old times...minus the babies. :)
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we kept it very low key. We spent a lot of time hanging out with Nanny, Paw-paw, Mom, Paul, Aunt Laura, Jeff and the rest of the family. Saturday was the reunion, and when I got back from that, we had steaks at my grandparents' since my Uncle Doug was in from Louisiana. 
Sunday was such a great day. We headed up to Harv and Bett's early and swam all day. Well, we swam, Harrison sat on the golf cart and waited for someone to drive him around. He is so funny. We both ate great while we were home. Harrison has taken on a big liking to strawberries.  Him and Taryn would finish off a container within ten minutes if we would have let them. Harrison also loves Paw-paw and Nanny. We would pull up to their house, and he would point and say, "Paw-paw." Too cute!

My two little sisters. I LOVE these girls. I don't' think we have ever had as much fun as we did on this trip. I can't wait to see them again!

All of the girls + Harrison. 


On the golf cart...

My Linams!!

Harrison Jennings and Harvey Jennings. :)

My sweet Taryn. Look at that cute face!! She smiles just like her mom used to. 

I think T and H look a lot alike in this pic.

Monday, we headed back to see Me-me. She has been moved to a nursing home, but still isn't' doing well. I am SO glad that I had a trip planned. 
Tuesday, we picked up an extra passenger and headed back to Texas. It was so sad leaving. I had so much fun catching up with everyone and gaining five pounds from all the food that Nanny and Mom cooked me.  Harrison doesn't even seem to realize that he hasn't seen everyone in a while. He goes straight to everyone and acts like he's there everyday. I honestly can't wait to go back home. We miss y'all already!!
Drew had planned a while ago to come out here durning the summer. Since I drove there, she just decided to ride back with us and fly back to Albany after a visit. She stayed until today. We had so much fun, too. I am always so sad when she leaves. Thankfully, we have seen so much of each other since I had Harrison. Hopefully, we can keep it up. Harrison and Sam miss her as well. Both of them headed to her room after we go back from the airport. :( Hurry up and come back Aunt Drew! 

Ok. I got that caught up. Next will be pictures of the house. I promised Aunt Laura. Hopefully, I can get it decorated pretty soon. I'm not the best decorator, so it takes me a little time. :)