Monday, September 12, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

This past week has been very busy for us, well, as busy as we have been since Harrison was born. We were all exhausted last night! Harrison slept for 11 hours!
Last Saturday night, Ms. Natalie's fiance' bought us all tickets to go see Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock.  As previously mentioned, Jeff and I LOVE concerts. I was so excited. We had so much fun even though it started raining as soon as Kid Rock took the stage. We weren't complaining too much since Texas needed rain! However, because of the rain, I don't have any pictures.  I would recommend going to see them though! They put on a great show.  Monday night, Jeff and I went to see the Uproar Tour! My favorite band is Avenged Sevenfold (I know. I don't look like the hard rock kind of girl.) Jeff's favorite band, Seether, was also on the tour. We had found out about the tour before Harrison was born, so we made it a point to make sure we went. My former boss and friend kindly gave us some of the tickets that she had. They are on row F, and they were awesome!!! We had so much fun! Hopefully, they will come back next year, and Jeff and I can make it a yearly thing.
Jill and I

Jeff and I

The lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold! 

Then, Friday night, Telena and I had put together a little surprise "bachelorette" party for Ms. Natalie. She is getting married on the 17th. We went to Saltgrass to eat, and then on to Pappa's, a little bar and grill. 
Melanie, Amanda and Teeny

Natalie, Me and Carrie

1 comment:

  1. I had a blast, thank you so much for the party. :-) Just one thing, where is the pic of "Ucy" ??? JK

    Wow, he slept for 11 hrs.?????? He was one tired lil Peanut.....

    Love you guys!
